A patent is a technical solution in the form of a product or process aimed at resolving a specific problem by applying the laws of nature. A patent for invention is granted if the solution meets the criteria of novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability. A patent for utility solution (utility model) is granted if…

On December 26, 2024, the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (IP Vietnam) announced Notice No. 4031/TB-SHTT, introducing the International Patent Classification (IPC) version 2025.01. This new classification officially took effect on January 1, 2025. The IPC serves as a standardized system for categorizing patents based on the technical solutions they provide. This aids in organizing…
The procedures for handling infringement includes the following steps: 1. Identifying Intellectual Property Rights Infringement Comparison of Products/Services: Conduct a detailed comparison between the suspected infringing product/service and your own protected product/service. Determining the Extent of Infringement: Assess the type of infringing act, its scope, and the volume of infringement as stipulated by law. 2….
1. Required documents for filing a patent application Two Application forms; One patent specification One abstract Original Power of Attorney signed by applicant(s) (in case the application filed through IP agent) Documents evidencing the right of priority (if the patent application has a claim for priority right). 2. Deadlines for filing and prosecuting patent application…