What is an invention?

What is an invention?

1. Definition of invention

An invention is a technical solution in the form of a product or process that solves a determined problem by applying laws of nature.

An invention is protected by a Patent for Invention or a Patent for Utility Solution.

2. Requirements for an invention

An invention is protected by a Patent for Invention if it meets the following conditions:

– Absolute novelty

– Inventive step, and

– Industrial applicability.

An invention is protected by a Patent for Utility Solution if it is not common knowledge and meets the following conditions:

– Absolute novelty

– Industrial applicability.

3. The following subject-matters shall be excluded from patent protection

– Discoveries, scientific theories, mathematical methods;

– Schemes, plans, rules and methods for performing mental acts, training domestic animals, playing games, doing business, computer programs;

– Presentations of information;

– Solutions of aesthetical characteristics only;

– Plant varieties, animal breeds;

– Processes for producing plant or animal which are principally in the nature of biology and other than microbiological processes; and

– Methods of treatment, diagnosis and prevention of diseases for human and animal.